martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

TITLE - The Secret to Teen Power
AUTHOR - Paul Harringon
PRICE - L.468.00

The secret gives you the power to have, do or be anything you choose. We're talking wealth, success, great relarionships, better health and self - esteem... anything your heart desires. It's all totally achievable.
And all you have to do is discover this Secret.

TITLE - Search For Significance
AUTHOR - Robert S. McGee
PRICE - L.410.00

This modern classic has made its way into the lives of more than two million readers. Experience it for yourself, and you'll understand why.

TITLE - A Year With God
AUTHOR - Richard J. Foster and Julia L. Roller
PRICE - L.318.00

Ther is a God- ordained means to becoming the kind of person that can fully and joyfully enter into an abundant life with God. And these " means" involve us in a process of intentionally living out the disciplines of the spiritual life, which bring us more fully into the with-God life.

TITLE - The Success Principles
AUTHOR - Jack Canfield
PRICE - L.426.00

This book will teach you how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize all your ambitions. Not merely a collection of good ideas, this book spells out the 64 timeless principles used by succesful men and women throughout history. Taken together and practiced every day, these principles will transform your life beyond your wildest dreams!

TITLE - It's Your Time
AUTHOR - Joel Osteen
PRICE - L.495.00

Get your hopes up. Raise your expectations. Expect the unexpected.

In challenging times, it may be hard to see better days ahead. You may feel as though your struggles will never end. Yet, this is exactly the moment when you should seekk and expect God's blessings. It's your time to declare your faith, to look for God's favor, and to find fulfillment in His plans for you.

TITLE - Hot, Flat and Crowded - Why we need a green revolution and how it can renew america.
AUTHOR - Thomas L. Friedman
PRICE - L.436.00

In this brilliant, essential book, pullitzer Prize - winning author speaks to Americas urgent need for national renewal and explains how a green revolution can bring about both a sustainable enviroment and a sustainable America.

TITLE - The Great Depression Ahead - Completely revised and updated
AUTHOR - Harry S. Dent Jr.
PRICE - L.370.00

The government and economists are dead wrong about the recovery in 2010 due to the peaking of the massive baby boom spending cycle and the deleveraging of the greatest credit and real estate bubble in history. Harry Dent predicted in the first edition of his book that the U.S. would first see a major downturn into 2009 and then a strong stimulus program that would ignite a temporary recovery and a rally in stocks that would peak by late 2009 an now by early 2010.

TITLE - Where Have All The Leaders Gone?
AUTHOR - Lee Iacoca
PRICE - L.341.00

Confessing that he has flunked retirement, Iacoca calls on citizens of all ages to vote, get involved, and choose their leaders carefully.
Knowing that the times are urgent, the iconic leader shares his lessons learned and issues a call to action to summon Americans back to their roots of hard work, common sense, integrity, generosity, and optimism.

TITLE - Going Rogue - An American Life - Hard Cover
AUTHOR - Sarah Palin
PRICE - L.628.00

One year ago, Sarah Palin burst onto the American political stage like a comet. Yet even now, few Americans know who this remarkable woman really is.

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